Friday, April 15, 2011

Facts and Myths

As of 5:30 pm April 4th, the advantage has turned to the zombies.

Right now the count is zombies: 87 humans: 82

Because of this I figured I should give some advice and clarify a few things for all the Survivors still out there.

Zombie Facts:

Zombies are undead: These things running around did not die.  They are not dead.  They are infected.

There is a possible cure to the virus:  Because of information from last night's mission, we can safely assume there is a cure to the virus plaguing the zombies.  Whether not we can get to it in time is the only question...

You can only be turned into a zombie if you are touched by one:  Being in close proximity to a zombie will not necessarily infect you.  A zombie breathing on you will not infect you.  However, don't assume a zombie has to bite or wound you in order to infect you.  On a similar note, don't kiss zombies.  If you loved one has been infected, don't kiss them goodbye.  Kissing is touching.  Also, don't have sex with zombies.  I feel like this should have been obvious....

Zombies can stradegize:  They may be stupid, but they know how to work together.  Zombies have the ability to smell each other and seek each other out.  It is becoming more and more common to see zombies hunting in groups.

Zombies can communicate:  It doesn't appear they can use English, but primitive gestures and grunting seems to be enough to say "Hey look, that human over there seems unarmed and alone."


Zombies are slow: This virus seems to have no effect on physical ability.

Zombies think like humans:  Whether it is because another zombies has eaten a part of their brains, or the virus has some kind of effect, the thought process of zombies is not the same as a humans.  Their instincts are more primitive.  They do not care about loved ones.  They do not sympathize.  It has been noticed that zombies may have "personalities" of sorts.  Some being hunters, some followers, some cautious, some brave, but this is not the same thing.

Zombies are look decomposed:  There is no evidence that whatever is affecting the zombies decomposes their skin.  They are also not dead as I mentioned above.  Besides the obvious marking on their forehead, most of them look like normal humans.  Disregarding the lust for human flesh and brains in their eyes.

Zombies can be killed if they are hit by a car: I think it's been pretty well established that zombies do not die by injury alone.  Luring a zombie into the street or chasing one down in a car is ineffective at best.  You could hurt yourself, or others.  You can hurl a zombie into an unsuspecting Survivor and infect them.  At worse you could launch a zombie into a building, letting them run rapid on people who thought they were safe indoors.

Zombies can be killed with fire:  Like I said before, injury does NOT kill a zombie.  Whoever thought of this tactic needs to locked up for their own safety.  Lighting a zombie on fire will only produce a screaming, flaming, mess of destruction that will probably end up burning the whole campus down.  STOP LIGHTING THINGS ON FIRE!

Love, Rachael

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